A yearlong operation sees Bradford South Neighbourhood Policing Team seize over £2 million pounds of Cannabis alongside both class A and B drugs.
The goal of the operation was to prevent as much anti-social and criminal behaviour in the South Bradford area specifically the Holme Wood estate.
West Yorkshire police have released that in the past year the operation has managed to confiscate: ‘50 bikes and 87 cars’ and ‘2739 Cannabis plants’ and have carried out:
- ‘48 Class B Drugs searches’
- ‘8 Class A Drugs searches’
- ‘5 Theft warrants.’
As a result of this over 200 people have been arrested however, Inspector Tany Ditta head of Bradford South’s Neighbourhood Policing Team says,
“We have seen a reduction in crimes committed in the area with 300 less crimes compared to the previous year. Crime and anti-social behaviour is a huge concern for residents and I hope these results show we are committed to tacking them.”.
(Quoted from https://www.westyorkshire.police.uk)
Freya Hanson